Quality Assurance

Survey or inspection reports are one measure to determine the ability of a nursing facility to deliver quality services.

The Georgia Department of Community Health is the governmental agency that determines compliance with state and federal Medicare/Medicaid (CMS) guidelines. The average nursing home will experience seven deficiences during a typical inspection. Miona's most recent inspection of March 2019 indicates we had ZERO healthcare deficiencies. Miona's prior three surveys also produced no healthcare deficiency which makes Miona one of the most compliant facilities in Georgia. Miona's commitment to compliance and quality of care makes such exceptional inspection results possible.

There also is a Federal "5-Star" rating for nursing facilities provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This rating combines the overall performance of the facility as it relates to Quality of Care, Staffing, and other key measures. Miona is pleased to announce that it currently receives the highest CMS rating possible of "FIVE STARS".

Our Dietary Department and sanitation proceedures are routinely inspected by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. Six of the last seven inspection reports indicate the facility received 100% or a perfect score during the inspection.

Although surveys and inspections are tools to utilize when comparing nursing facilities, the best measure of quality is your own opinion. Visit our facility at anytime. We hope your visit will convince you that Miona is the right decision for you and your loved one.